Monday, November 3, 2014

Love As I Have Seen It | TBuds, Toronto | November 2014

Listen To Your Heart, 2014
Ink and scratchboard on paper
prints available on

Love As I've Seen It | T buds Interior | Toronto

When I was studying Fashion Design at Ryerson, 
I took a Creative Writing elective. 

Of course I got an A. (So bashful). 
One comment from my professor that has stayed with me is this:

In my twenties, regrets poured out of my pen on to the paper. It took little effort to write poetry about loss and sorrow, despair. With meditative effort, I create works around joy, love and peace more often. I do this in an effort to leave aspects of joy and love behind.

I am fortunate to have been hopelessly in love several times in my life. The endings have given me the inspiration to write a lot about it. My guys have asked to remain nameless despite my having no regrets over the beginning, middle or end of my time with them. I have been so inspired, so rewarded, so deeply cared for. Romantic love has given me my wings in many respects. Thank you, great loves of my life! You know who you are.

Perhaps we can make a pact to celebrate 
the great aspects of our love lives in November. 

Let's do that. Let's make this month the month where we all focus on the greatest loves of our lives. On our joys and blessing. On what's great about us. On we hope to receive and give romantically.

'Love As I've Seen It,' will be on exhibit at T-Buds for the month of November.

3343 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4N 2M4
(647) 352-3624

Take the opportunity to view Love As I've Seen It is a collection of paper works rendered in ink on scratchboard. Treat your self to tea and crepes while you're there! This exhibition is on the second floor up several stairs. My apologies for it not being wheelchair accessible.

On a side note, I was checking out some films on Netflix

I was scrolling through the documentaries 
and came across the documentary, 'I Am.' 

I was searching for something inspiring 
to bounce off news of war overseas.

The director was in search of answers to life's greatest questions.

Guess what the answer to all the worlds greatest problems is 
according to many soothsayers?

Don't be surprised. You already knew.




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