Sunday, January 27, 2013

Black History Month

Feel His Spirit, 24" x 18", 2011 - $515 unframed

Here is a piece I painted for A Tribute to Stevie Wonder  exhibited in Oakville on the walls of Mojo Music, where Ella Fitzgerald is still on exhibit. People suggested I tweet the image to Barak Obama, so I did. I tell you if he replies. The words are a quote from the lyrics of my favourite Stevie Wonder song, Heaven Is Ten Zillion Light Years Away.

You can purchase the album Fulfillingness First Finale, by Stevie Wonder on Amazon.

Black History Month is steadily approaching. Many people complain that happens in the shortest and coldest month of the year. In Britain, it's held every October. I joked with friends that I was going to start a campaign, Black History Month is Now in June, so that we could celebrate during a warmer month. But that would be too much to maintain, so I let it remain a joke.  February is also the month that Martin Luther King was born. It is also the month I was born. More information about the accomplishments of Black folks can be found by clicking here.

I submitted some works of art to exhibit at BAND – a solo exhibition of black musicians during Black History month. They have some other artist’s work to consider for that month. We’ll see if they choose me. Come on, BAND, choose me!!

I am pleased to report that I have had one invitation to exhibit internationally. I look forward to more opportunities to travel and exhibit my work abroad. A friend once reminded me, when I thought I had seen it all, that there is a whole world to explore and that I should embrace it. I wish the same for you, dear reader. That you find a world greater and brighter than the one that you see now.

I have a dream, he said.

One of my sources of inspiration is the book, 

It is compiled of quotations that inspire a person to do just what the title says. I have been accused of dreaming too far into the future, of setting my sights too high, but I will continue to do just that despite the criticisms that I encounter. It is this spirit of hope that keeps me alive.

Consider buying art now to enhance your walls for a lifetime and more.

All the best always,

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