Saturday, December 19, 2015

Art for a Charity called Covenant House

This year, on

Tuesday December 22 2015
and Wednesday December 23 2015
or by appointment

20% of sales will go to the Covenant House
a homeless youth centre in Toronto.

Drop in chez Simone at Yonge and Eglinton
(akaYonge and Eligible area... or as I like to call it, young and married with a child).

chez Simone
115 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto, Canada
buzz 1106
3rd floor walk up (I don't like it either but it's good exercise).

My apologies to those who can't make the stairs. 
Let me know and I'll bring a selection to you to choose from free of charge.

Original art from $20

Join me in supporting the young ones who need it this Season.

When I was in highschool, someone from the Covenant House spoke to an assembly of students at St. Martin's High School in Mistersauga, (often referred to as Mississauga), of the need for support for homeless youth in Toronto. It changed my perspective on a lot of things.

So, now's the time, as Basquiat rendered.

'Tis the Season after all.

I Am Love 

Details soon.

I have a party to attend.

Keep calm and Merry on!

Happy Solstice!!

Simone Frank

Saturday, December 12, 2015

TRIO #art exhibition #downtownToronto #friends man, good pals

A walk through Studio 105 featuring
TRIO with works by 
Simone Frank
Alexander Plata 
and Glenn Simpson

Last day, today Sunday from 6-9pm
Studio 105 - 540 Sherbourne Street 

Monday, December 7, 2015

TRIO Art Opening and Exhibition this Weekend!!! Woo hoo!!!!!!! and FREE SHiPPiNG at

You are cordially invited to a group art exhibition!

Trio. Three is an interesting number. I automatically think of many cultures attributing power to it. 

TRIO as a Vedic number -
Artist will infuse, inspire and pull up society upward and forward through idealistic contributions.

Then there’s the Three Stooges, so, whatever. Listen, don’t let me ramble. I’ve been doing a lot of that lately. It’s time to write some poetry I guess. It’s the socially acceptable way to get away with that!

For now…

I’m really looking forward to my next exhibit at:

Studio 105
find the buzz code at the main door
(540 Sherbourne Street just South of Sherbourne (on Bloor) Subway.

The two artists I’m exhibiting with are fabulous pals of mine. We meet and dine and talk about things to come, the nature of people, the world at large. I am honoured to exhibit at the launch of Alexander Plata’sgallery, Studio 105.

One day, these two fine gentlemen looked at the front of their building and decided to rebrand. It wasn’t ongoing commentary on how it could be improved. They did it. They are responsible for 540 Sherbourne becoming FIVE-FORTY Sherbourne. 
Alex is a gifted photographer among many things, whose works will fill your location with a logical and mystical vibe. See it to understand.

Glenn Simpson invited me to design Irish Dancing Costumes with him.
We did. It was fun. And a lot of work.
Like most fun things are when you do them properly.

Among his credits, Glenn performed in Riverdance and is a world renowned Irish Dancing adjudicator and instructor. If you’re interested in learning Irish Dancing, I suggest you attend classes at his school, Druid Academy. Contact Glenn for more details.

As a gift, Glenn gave me Celtic renderings to put on North, South, West and East walls for protection. I hang them proudly in my home. Works like this around Celtic meaning will be exhibited at TRIO.

View from Yonge and Davisville - Toronto - Fall 2015 by Simone Frank

Alexander Plata – photography

Glenn Simpson – graphic design

Simone Frank – multimedia

opening night…

Friday December 11, 6-9pm
Saturday December 12, 3-6pm (and by appointment)
Sunday December 13, 3-6pm
